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518 Ele Shaman

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518 Ele Shaman Empty 518 Ele Shaman

Post by EleShama Thu May 23, 2013 10:36 am

1. What is your characters name, class and spec? Are you willing to change your spec if requested by an officer?
Rhakzor, Shaman, Elemental. Yes, but I haven't really been playing anything else than Elemental on my shaman.

2. Link your armory profile and explain your gear and talent choices. This is an important question since we need to see your knowledge of your class.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/ragnaros/Rhakzor/advanced I've chosen my gear by this stat priority: Intellect > 15% Spell Hit (Hit | Spirit) > Haste > Mastery = Crit. Of course I need intellect the most to increase my spellpower. I need haste to decrease the cast time of my spells and the more haste the more ticks does my flameshock. After haste, mastery is really important since that allows Mastery: Elemental Overload to increase the chance for Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Burst, and Elemental Blast to trigger another second version of the spell that deals 75% of normal damage. So the reason why I've picked exactly this talent build is because of the Elemental Blast which increases my dps way more than the other talents in the same level. The chance of gaining a 2nd Elemental Blast + Elemental Blast is on a 12-second cooldown and will enable you to maintain a 66% uptime on a buff that changes randomly each time you refresh it: +3500 Critical Strike Rating, +3500 Haste Rating, or +3500 Mastery Rating and of course Elemental Blast deals a great amount of damage itself. Healing tide totem is another important ability that makes this build so great. It's an extra healing CD for the intense AoE boss fights. It can save the team if the healers are out of healing CD's. Echo of the Elements gives you a chance to duplicate your spells that do direct damage. 

3. Which glyphs do you use and why?
Glyph of Chain Lightning - it allows me to hit 2 additional targets which will increase the AoE on Chain Lightning even though it decreases the spells damage by 10%. 
Glyph of Flame Shock - it increases the time duration of flame shock by 25% which means I will have more instant lava bursts per flame shock that has been casted. 
Glyph of Unleashed Lightning - it allows me to keep moving while casting which means that I won't be losing a lot of dps on the fights with a lot of movement.

4. Post a logfile of your performance (worldoflogs.com etc.)
Sorry those who I'm raiding with aren't using WoL.

5. Why are you intrested in our guild and what do you think you have to offer us as a member?
I'm interesed since I believe I have something to offer for Dissolution. I can give you a great social environment while having a serious raid attitude with a great attendance and my dps. I like the thoughts of Dissolution as you have written on your Wowprogress. The offers you guys have for a player is exactly what I'm looking for + the fact that your raid days and times fits me perfectly.

6. List the two most recent guilds you've been in. Explain why you left them or are about to leave.
Talion and Midnight. I left Talion because of the lack of activity after we lost 3 core raiders because they chose to quit the game and it was simply impossible to find 2 new good tanks and 1 new good healer at that point. Right now I'm in Midnight. It's a nice guild, but I'm just more serious about progress than they are and the fact that their raid days/times aren't fitting me that well since they are raiding on a friday and most often fridays are the day where real life stuff happens. 

7. Do you have a reliable internet connection? (Disconnecting a lot during raids is not acceptable) How good is your computer (list some stats)? Do you get low FPS in a heavy AoE fights or such? 
My connection is reliable. I'm not having any troubles with it. Computer -> http://www.laptopmag.com/review/laptop/msi-gt660.aspx
I've never had any troubles with my FPS either in any sorts of fights in WoW

8. What's your favourite movie and why?
I don't really have 1 favourite movie, but I'm mostly into movies which takes place in disaster-struck situations such as Cloverfield and the series Falling Skies where you experience people falling back to the primitive needs and the more social needs instead of the materialistic world we are living in these days. 

9. How old are you, what do you do for living, gender and real life name?
I'm 19 years old, studying at a high school in Denmark, male and my name is Mikkel.

10. What addons you use while raiding and why these addons? Link a screenshot of your UI. 
I'm using the ElvUI and Elementarist with the addons needed for raid such as Deadly boss mod, Tellmewhen and recount. I'm using Deadly boss mod since it awares me of the incoming mechanics. Tellmewhen allows me to see when my dots are about to run off or just when my abilities will be ready so I don't have to move my mouse above the spell/dot to see when it will run out and instead I can focus on the fight and my dps. Last there is recount which I believe is pretty much a standard addon to have like Deadly boss mod. It allows me to see how much dps I'm doing and the rest in the raid. Because of recount I can see when I'm doing something wrong in my rotation and decrease my dps but also if I do something nicely that increases my dps a lot and it will increase my knowledge of my character for the next time I'm on that encounter. 

11. Make up your own question and then answer the question.
What are you doing when you aren't playing WoW? I'm studying, chilling with friends, spending time with my girlfriend, working at a candystore or in the gym working out.

12. List your typical playtime for each day over the week.
I'm mostly online after 18:00 in the week days, but in the weekends it's very variable. 

13. Are you able to raid on the selected raid days? Wednesday 19.30-23.00 Thursday 19.30-23.00 Sunday 19.30-23.00
Yes it's no problem

14. Tell us about your raiding experience throughout your WoW career.
ZG, MC, Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, TK, SSC, Ulduar, ICC, BoT, Firelands, DS, MSV, HoF, Toes and ToT

15. Where do you come from?
I'm from Denmark

16. How did you hear about Dissolution?

17. /Played time on your character:
30D and 21H

18. What professions do you have? Why did you pick those professions?
Alchemy and Herbalism. I've chosen these 2 professions because I like to be able to do my raid preparations by my self + the fact that 1 flask lasts 2 hours instead of 1. I'm able to support my raid with free flasks as well. It's also a nice thing as Herbalist that you get Lifeblood which increases your haste by 2880
19. Do you have any alts you can bring in guild aswell? Armory Link (If your alt is 90 lvl).
Yes I have a prot warrior → http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/ragnaros/Drakzhul/advanced

20. Are you able to take criticism without causing a fuss? 

21. Previous Guilds/Current Guild: (Include reason for leaving/desire to leave) 
Talion was the first but the guild went down because 5 of our core members decided to quit wow and due to lack of players on the server it was simply impossible find 5 new replacements. Then I joined Midnight which is an ok guild but they are having the same problem at the moment. Most of the raids we have to pug 1 or 2 to fill out the last spots and it slows our progress a lot. We've been stock on 1/12 hc in 4 – 5 weeks now.

22. What was your guild rank? (gm, officer, member etc) 
Guildmaster in Talion and raider in Midnight.

23. Are you willing to download/use all the necessary addons that are requied to raid with us?

24. Are you comfortable with the fact that you may not always have a raid spot?

25. Are you comfortable with the fact that you may have to go on alt during progression/farm raids?

26. Do you have the habit of reading up on all new encounters? Do you stay up to date with class changes?

27. Why are you changing server?
I'm changing from Ragnaros since there is a huge lack of activity and the fact that most of the guilds now are ”east european only” guilds, so it's hard to find a proper guild.


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