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Toxicate - BM.SV Hunter [Declined]

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Toxicate - BM.SV Hunter [Declined] Empty Toxicate - BM.SV Hunter [Declined]

Post by Toxi1011 Sun May 12, 2013 11:10 pm

Character: Toxicate

Race and Class: Orc Hunter

Armory Link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Toxicate/simple

Spec that you're applying as: BM (SV as OS)
DPS Tests since i dont have logs
This was Garajal fight in MSV, similar to patchwerk to show what dps i do.

Do you have an off spec? How good is your off spec gear? For hunter gear is same for all specs, my second OS is SV since its very good aoe but not good single target as BM.

Are you happy to respec and play to other specs if needed?: Yes

What glyphs/talents do you use and why? None of my talents are massive dps increase since more of them are utility and change on diffrent fights but my standard setup is AMOC ( Murder of Crows ) adds more burst which increase dps, dire beast increase more focus regen while also damaging boss and glaive toss on short cd can be used more often and does decent damage.
/Played time on your character: 60 days and 21 hours

What professions do you have? Why did you pick those professions? Professions are engineering since i love 1min cd burst which i macro with beastial wrath and inscription for 320 extra agility on the shoulder for passive agility bonus and both are 600.

Do you have any alts you can bring in guild aswell? Armory Link (If your alt is 90 lvl).
I dont really play alts since i like to focus on 1 toon and master it without losing focus, i might play my alt in future but right now i got 6 alts and i dont intend to play them. I got a level 90 Warrior, 90 DK, 86 Shaman, 71 Rogue, 53 Druid, 34 Lock.

Personal Information

Your Name: Carlos

Age & Gender: Male Age 20

Where are you located?: UK (born in uk but whole family originally from italy)

Why do you wish to join Dissolution?: feel the guild is right for me, raiding days are good, decent players in guild means quicker progress and the guild has good progress this tier since i always wanted to do hc raids and not be stuck in slow, normal progression.

Describe your internet connection and computer (inc net speed & download limit): 17.6MB download speed, 1.5MB upload, unlimited usage.

Are you able to take criticism without causing a fuss? As long as critism isnt over the top.

Have you ever taken a break from World of Warcraft and why?: Never took break only took break from wow when i heard my grandad died and i didnt play for like 2 weeks.

How much longer do you see yourself playing WoW? Long time, as long blizzard dont fuck up game completly lol.

Raiding Information

Previous Guilds/Current Guild: Still in nWo but i feel like i want a new challenge, a guild which has decent progress, better skilled players and good friendly enivorment.

What was your guild rank? When i joined nWo i got a trial spot and week after i got promoted to member, 3 weeks after i had member rank, i got to raider rank and stayed like that.

What pre TBC, BC, WOTLK, Cata, MOP raiding experience do you have? Cata: DS 8/8 N, 8/8 H, FL 7/7 N, 4/7H. I had warrior main back in cata but i felt i wanted a range dps so i got most of achievements on him but right now hunter is my main and always will be.
my current progress: ToT: 12/12, MSV: 6/6 N, 3/6 H, HoF: 5/6 (took break from wow when i heard my grandad died and didnt finish whole HoF but did come back for TOES), TOES 4/4

Can you move out of fire/void zones on the ground in less than .001 sec? I move quick as i can out of fire etc but .001 seems difficult since i doubt human is ready to move .001 on spot from fire.

Can you make all our raid nights? Yes

During raid, is it likely that you may need to go afk for dinner or similar at all? Are you an adult in control of your own playtime or is it dictated for you? When there is a break in raid, i usally go and make some food and eat but other than when we raid, i dont go afk etc, only if an emergency happens.

Link to a screenshot of your Raid UI (In combat if possible):

Describe your key bindings and rotation.
Keybinds: 1) Arcane Shot, 2) CObra shot, 3) Kill command, 4) Serpent Sting, 5) Glaive Toss, 6) Frenzy, 7) Silencing Shot, Cool BW, 9) macro which normaly heals me and pet and shift+8 does scatter shot, 0) Kill Shot, M = AMOC, F = Dire Beast, N = Rapid Fire, C = Disengage, R4 = Explosive Trap, R5 = Ice Trap, R6 = Nitro Boost, > = Readiness, < = Multi Shot, R7 = Deterrence, R8 = Feight Deaht, Mouse Middle Click = MD.
What addons do you use?
Dominos, Shadow Frame Units is for personalisation of my ui, bigwigs is for lettting me know whats coming in boss fight, recount shows how well im doing on dps, needtoknow tracks my dots on boss so i can track amoc, serpent sting etc.

Are you willing to download/use all the necessary addons that are requied to raid with us? Yes

Are you comfortable with the fact that you may not always have a raid spot? I will be but i want to come to this guild to earn a permanent spot by hard work and not be replaced because guild thinks im not good enough.

Are you comfortable with the fact that you may have to go on alt during progression/farm raids? No because non of my alts are well geared for progress but i am willing to gear up alt if guild requests so.

Do you have the habit of reading up on all new encounters? Do you stay up to date with class changes? I watch alot of videos on youtube about fights, visit Icy-Veins and Noxxic to see any changes of my class etc, and use SimCraft tool to simulate my character to see what dps i should be doing and what are the most suitable stat weights for my current gear.

Other Information

Are you ok with golds? Can you afford repair + flask + pots? Yes

Do you have Mumble installed and a working microphone? Got mumble but no mic right now since i need new one, but i will listen clearly on mumble what officer/gm is saying e.g. tacts, instructions etc.

Can you speak and understand English to a good level? Very Good

Average Latency and FPS during raiding? Latency 51ms, FPS 63 while raiding.

How did you get information about Dissolution? Wowprogress while searching for guilds.

What sets you apart from other members of your class? I do solid dps for my current ilvl gear and i know my rotation spot, i also keep up to date with latest stuff about my spec and i always reforge to try out different dps tests and see how far each stat is.

What would you bring to Dissolution as a guild? Good solid dps, hard working, willing to learn more, take criticism and learn from any mistakes i may do (hope that doesn't happen lol), i always show up on raids on time, i come with my own supplies of food, potions and flasks and got enough gold for my repairs.

What would you expect from Dissolution as a guild? HC raiding, mature people who i can have chat with now and then, people motivated to progress and treat people with same respect.

Have you read, and do you agree to, the guild policy? Yes

Anything in particular you feel you should add to your application?: No


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Toxicate - BM.SV Hunter [Declined] Empty Re: Toxicate - BM.SV Hunter [Declined]

Post by Nikeespank Wed May 15, 2013 12:00 pm

Sorry mate, recruiting closed for now.


Posts : 30
Join date : 2013-01-10

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