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Balance/Resto Druid [Accepted]

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Balance/Resto Druid [Accepted] Empty Balance/Resto Druid [Accepted]

Post by Nesa Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:07 am

Character: Untøuchable

Race and Class: Tauren Druid

Armory Link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Unt%C3%B8uchable/simple

Spec that you're applying as: Balance

Do you have an off spec? How good is your off spec gear? offsepc Resto it is ok

Are you happy to respec and play to other specs if needed?: Yes anything guild need

What glyphs do you use and why? Glyph of the Moonbeast,Glyph of Innervate,Glyph of Rebirth I saw on forum these are the best

Played time on your character: 19 days 3h

What professions do you have? Why did you pick those professions? Enchanting for gold making and I hate to spam i trade for enchants and skinning for crit bonus

Do you have any alts you can bring in guild aswell? Armory Link (If your alt is 90 lvl).I have alts but they are on other server

Personal Information

Your Name:Vladimir

Age & Gender:22 male

Where are you located?: Serbia

Why do you wish to join Dissolution?: Becaus my friend Aerisya

Describe your internet connection and computer (inc net speed & download limit): ADSL 5mb/s

Are you able to take criticism without causing a fuss? Yes

Have you ever taken a break from World of Warcraft and why?: Yes many times becaus game start to be boring and becaus i didnt have guild to raid

How much longer do you see yourself playing WoW? Very long time

Raiding Information

Previous Guilds/Current Guild: (Include reason for leaving/desire to leave)I was in Click the Lightwell on Bladefirst they transfer

What was your guild rank? (gm, officer, member etc) Member

What pre TBC, BC, WOTLK, Cata, MOP raiding experience do you have? I was active raider in ever WoW expansion

Can you move out of fire/void zones on the ground in less than .001 sec? I think that is impossible but it wont take more then 1sec

Can you make all our raid nights? Yes

During raid, is it likely that you may need to go afk for dinner or similar at all? Are you an adult in control of your own playtime or is it dictated for you? I can stay and raid all night

Link to a screenshot of your Raid UI (In combat if possible),

Describe your key bindings and rotation.
Moonfire Sunfire Maintain as much as possible.
Starsurge on cooldown.
Starfall on cooldown.
Wrath or Starfire to build an Eclipse.
Maintain Moonfire and Sunfire at all times.
Starsurge and Starfall on cooldown.
Eclipse buffs
Cast Wrath until you have the Eclipse (Lunar) buff.
Cast Starfire until you have the Eclipse (Solar) buff.

What addons do you use?DBM,Dominos,MSBT,Quartz

Are you willing to download/use all the necessary addons that are requied to raid with us? Yes

Are you comfortable with the fact that you may not always have a raid spot? Yes

Are you comfortable with the fact that you may have to go on alt during progression/farm raids? Yes

Do you have the habit of reading up on all new encounters? Do you stay up to date with class changes?Yes ever day I read posts and updates

Other Information

Are you ok with golds? Can you afford repair + flask + pots? Yes I never have problems with gold

Do you have Mumble installed and a working microphone? Yes

Can you speak and understand English to a good level? Yes

Average Latency and FPS during raiding? it is lock on 60 it wont move I wont let it

How did you get information about Dissolution? From my friend

What sets you apart from other members of your class? (Describe yourself as a player).Allways on time,dedicated to progression,good knowledge

What would you bring to Dissolution as a guild? Patient player who will do anything for good time in raid and progres Razz

What would you expect from Dissolution as a guild? Good spend time in raid with funy and crazy people Very Happy

Have you read, and do you agree to, the guild policy? Yes

Anything in particular you feel you should add to your application?:
May the force be with you Very Happy


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Balance/Resto Druid [Accepted] Empty Re: Balance/Resto Druid [Accepted]

Post by Aa Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:02 pm

Hay sorry for the late repy, easter and all Razz

Very basic app imo, Will be discuss later with fellow officers Smile


Posts : 39
Join date : 2013-02-17
Age : 31
Location : Scotland

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