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Holy Paladin [Accepted]

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Holy Paladin [Accepted] Empty Holy Paladin [Accepted]

Post by Éxxadin Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:57 am



Race and Class:

Blood Elf Paladin/Goblin Rogue

Armory Link:

Paladin - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/%C3%89xxadin/simple

Rogue - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/%C3%89xx/simple

Spec that you're applying as:

Applying as Holy with a Ret OS, Also have a Rogue if preferred, I can play all 3 to a top standard, Though Holy is the best geared.

Do you have an off spec? How good is your off spec gear?

Currently my OS is Ret, Ilvl 474, but i play it to a top standard and would probably surprise people with the numbers i can put out in that gear, The reason it is so low compared to my Holy gear is due to having 3 MS Plate dps in previous guild and 2 plate tanks that got priority to the gear.

Are you happy to respec and play to other specs if needed?:

I am more than happy to respec, though i have not had to play Prot in a raid in MoP so far due to having reliable tanks, But i still know the spec very well, and every now and then respec just to keep my mind fresh on it, I can play it to a great standard. Though the gear is only 465

What glyphs do you use and why?

Well, that completely depends on the encounter...

As a bog standard 10 Man farm bosses:

[Glyph of Light of Dawn] - The healing increase is Extremely Beneficial in 10 Man encounters, not so much in 25 man

[Glyph of Divity] - 10% Mana increase on a CD that i would use every fight anyway? yes please!

[Glyph of Divine Plea] - 5 sec cast but no Nerf to healing, very effective

I don't really want to flood this with every encounter to what i would change :/ but in short, a couple of examples are...

[Glyph of Divine Protection] - Useful for Garalons crush, especially if kiting Pheromones

[Glyph of Flash of Light] - Can be useful for When Tanks are taking HEAVY Damage, but rarely used

/Played time on your character:

26 days, 9 hours, 35 minutes, 28 seconds!

What professions do you have? Why did you pick those professions?

Alchemy - The Alchemist's Rejuvenation Potions are very handy to have for raiding, 2 Hour Flasks and +480 on a main stat

Herbalism - I originally Chose this just so i could farm my own herbs as this character use to be an alt before MoP, and Recently i have really been debating dropping it for Blacksmithing for the Socket bonuses.... However... IF i was to be playing Ret then i wouldn't be dropping it as Lifeblood is currently the best proffession bonus to have as a Ret Paladin (and a Affli Lock, just in case you didn't know Razz)

Do you have any alts you can bring in guild aswell? Armory Link (If your alt is 90 lvl).

Rogue - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/%C3%89xx/simple

On the 22nd Feb i Will be transferring 4 alts (85) here to level up Very Happy

Personal Information

Your Name:

Luke Estcourt

Age & Gender:

24 & Male

Where are you located?:

Bristol, England

Why do you wish to join Dissolution?:

I have been looking for a guild i can settle in since returning to World of Warcraft, and a Guild with the intention and potential to Progress in 5.2, From what i have gathered from speaking to a member of your guild, this is your intention.

Describe your internet connection and computer (inc net speed & download limit):

I get 43mb from my Computer and is very stable, I Never DC

I have a year old computer, Specced for gaming, It runs everything on ultra with no problems what so ever as for the technical mumbo jumbo, I am Don't have a great knowledge in the technical side of it, so i wouldn't know exactly what you would require to know.

And to think I lead a team of Engineers who Fix servers and computers for a living :O

Are you able to take criticism without causing a fuss?

Of course, as long as it is constructive, though i like to think not much criticism would come my way Wink

Have you ever taken a break from World of Warcraft and why?:

I took a break during most of Cata, basically missed out Firelands, this was due to being on a Dead server and all the people i was playing with disbanded and left the game, On top of that i had real life issues, so i decided to just take a break from it. This was a one off thing.

How much longer do you see yourself playing WoW?

I generally can't see me stopping if i'm honest, I love this game Razz

Raiding Information

Previous Guilds/Current Guild:

I played 3-4 years in a guild called DMG Rampage on Bronzebeard server, Left due to the server being completely dead and eventually, people left the guild and stopped playing.

I then moved to Kazzak in MoP and i have struggled to find a guild with high intentions and that doesn't Disband so quickly, I can honestly say i have never left a guild due to anything else, i have stuck with guilds, no matter what the progress :/

Currently i am in a guild that once again, have announced they are disbanding.

What was your guild rank?

Currently i have "Raider" Rank in the guild i am in, but as mentioned above the guild has disbanded after a week of being here, all the way up till now i have been GM/Officer and Raid lead.

What pre TBC, BC, WOTLK, Cata, MOP raiding experience do you have?

I started raiding in WotLK - Cleared all Ulduar (The 1st Raid boss i EVER encountered was Yogg 1 keeper), ToC and ICC as current content, I obtained the ICC mount on 10 man before the Cata Nerf (If people understand when that was), before everyone Tom, Dick and Harry could farm it. It was actually a good achievement to get especially for the dead server we were on.

Cata - Cleared BWD, BoT and TotfW as current content and a few Heroic modes as well, Before i took a break from wow as mentioned above, I then returned at the end of DS, which I cleared most on HC.

MoP - Have only just got back to raiding in the past month, but i have managed to Clear MSV and ToeS, and have 3/6 in HoF, I had no issues what so ever in these raids and the reason it isn't more is solely down to the guild i have been in.

I know i am more than capable of progressing through the heroic content, just need that chance to prove my self.

Can you move out of fire/void zones on the ground in less than .001 sec?

Sure i can slow it down for you guys if you want Wink

All jokes aside, Yes, i can move out of Fire etc. very quickly, i have very very good reactions!

Can you make all our raid nights?

Yes i can and more if needed! These Times and days suit me to a tee, i am a very active player and i am normally on every night

During raid, is it likely that you may need to go afk for dinner or similar at all? Are you an adult in control of your own playtime or is it dictated for you?

Not at all, I'm an adult, being AFK will not be an issue what so ever

Link to a screenshot of your Raid UI (In combat if possible):

Well, this is a pain as my UI changes like every other day as i am always Updating it xD


Describe your key bindings and rotation

I use a Razor Naga, for Healing i use Mouse over binds on raid frames, with 17 buttons as for key binds, i use very little due to using the Razor, but for what i do need to use normally revolves around the asdw buttons which doesn't require me to move my hand at all.

As for rotation... I heal, there isn't a rotation

As for Ret:

Keep Inquisition up at all time
Priority of moves: Hammer of Wrath -> Exorcism - > Crusader Strike -> Judgement
Use of full Holy Power: Inquisition (If it's about to drop off) -> Templar's Verdict -> Word of Glory (If a heal heal is in Dire need)

As any class, i always look to Maximize my class, I use all CD's when appropriate including damage Reduction and with the Selfless Healer Talent i utilize as many free Flash of Lights when needed

What addons do you use?

Oh damn, where do i start... i use a total of about 35 addons, i am anal about my ui and information i need, but i guess the ones that matter are:

Bigwigs - as DBM is poor now, if you disagree, just look how much the timers are out in MoP, If not done so already i strongly advise people to change to Bigwigs, The timers are more accurate and this has been tested on forums Razz

Omen - Only when i am in ret for threat, i don't have it present in Holy

Recount - And not for tracking who's healed the most, or who's the highest dps, i Utilize this addon to see who is taking what damage from where To see where we can improve upon a wipe

Tell me when - For being able to completely Customize Buff, Debuff and CD tracking

Grid & Clique - I use these in combination for healing, Raid frames and Mouse binds

Are you willing to download/use all the necessary addons that are requied to raid with us?

Of course

Are you comfortable with the fact that you may not always have a raid spot?

Yes i am, I will happily sit out if you feel another class is best suited for a encounter

Are you comfortable with the fact that you may have to go on alt during progression/farm raids?

I am more than happy to do this, and i always make sure my Alts are up to scratch with Gems, Enchants etc.

Do you have the habit of reading up on all new encounters? Do you stay up to date with class changes?

More than you could ever imagine Razz I have even stayed up late to watch the live streams of 5.2 Raid bosses that went on PTR, I know all tacts for all bosses very Well.

As for my class, i am always up to date with them, I read and post on a lot of forums about discussions of the classes, but more importantly, i test a lot of the theorys my self, i don't just read what the internet tells me and then never change it till it tells me again!

If i feel i can improve a encounter by tweaking a few things on my class then i will, that's how i think every ones attitude should be towards raiding.

Other Information

Are you ok with golds? Can you afford repair + flask + pots?

this has never been a issue for me, i have always had more gold than i need Smile

Do you have Mumble installed and a working microphone?

I do have it installed, I have a beautiful set of Turtle Beach head phones as well, so Talking and listening will never be an issue with me

Can you speak and understand English to a good level?

I am English, Born and Bread, so yes

Average Latency and FPS during raiding?

60-70 FPS

How did you get information about Dissolution?

After speaking to Aerisya, a member of your guild who supplied me with enough information to convince me to apply Smile

What sets you apart from other members of your class?

I'm a perfectionist when it comes to the class i am playing, I constantly tweak everything i can to constantly try and improve my out put as a player, i never settle for enough.

As sad as it may sound, I love this game and strive at being the best at it, I am a very Skilled player i like to believe.

What would you bring to Dissolution as a guild?

Dedication, Reliability And a very skilled player.

On top of that, i'm a nice guy, i get along with people well and always try and brighten the mood

What would you expect from Dissolution as a guild?

The same level of Dedication, Knowledge, Skill and intentions as my self, Players that pull there wait and turn up regularly to raids, have the same passion when it comes to raiding as my self.

But most importantly.... Stability, Meaning, Regular raids and the guild not deciding to disband xD

Have you read, and do you agree to, the guild policy?

I have and i do

Anything in particular you feel you should add to your application?:

Though my Experience doesn't look like much, I can promise you that i will more than carry my own weight, if just given the chance, you will not feel like you are carrying me.

Also, i am applying with a friend who will also be applying on his DK/Warlock (Aa), I know it doesn't mean anything, but i would vouch for him as being a very very skilled player who is very much like me.

I apologize for any sloppiness in this application, i made it at 4:00am :/ if there is anything i have missed out or anything you would like to discuss further, then please let me know asap


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Holy Paladin [Accepted] Empty Re: Holy Paladin [Accepted]

Post by Aerisya Sat Feb 16, 2013 2:52 pm

Hey, thanks for the apply Smile Was waiting for it, well was sleeping but we can count that aswell as waiting Very Happy

For Holy paladins, we already discussed some things in-game, but what i would like to mention is that imo Pursuit of Justice is much better talent then Long Arm of the Law, since with the one i mentioned u always have increased movement speed.

Aswell, i think that Light's Hammer is better talent then Holy Prism, but ofc, all these talents you can switch from fight to fight...would just like to know if you prefer those two and why?

About Plea glyph, u can see from previous apply my reason why not to use that glyph, read it if you want, i think there are better glyphs to use than this one.

For the Light of Dawn glyph, i know paladins are using it more often these days since they dont have anymore good aoe heals (holy raidance nerfed finaly Very Happy ), and you would like to use normal Light of Dawn to heal more people, but then again, considering that we have two raid healers (well 1 raid healer when they nerf me to the ground in 5.2 Razz ) you role would be healing mainly tanks...

Clemeny - Hand of Purity, from what i know about paladins are glyphs aswell u change from figgt to fight.

Well thats all from me for now, i know that glyphs/talents are switchable and if u wanna stay good player, you will be flexible and change them from fight to fight, depends on mechanics, but would just like to leave my opinion about those, and maybe get you explanation about them aswell.

Greetings, Aerisya


Posts : 83
Join date : 2013-01-10
Age : 34
Location : Osijek

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Holy Paladin [Accepted] Empty Re: Holy Paladin [Accepted]

Post by Éxxadin Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:35 pm

Thanks for the Reply, as you mentioned i have spoke to you in game, what i have put up spec wise is just a typical farm boss/Heroics spec (due to the fact it's mainly what i do in my spare time Razz), as a lot of specs/talents i change from encounter to encounter, Think its hard to judge with everything being so easy to change.

I have read your previous posts before in regards to Plea and Again its all completely situational, but i think you really under estimate it's Viability, I know it's probably going to look bad but i strongly disagree, don't get me wrong, there is fights where it is useless, Garalon being one, As Damage is constant, having 5 secs to cast plea would be completely unpredictable. How ever, in a encounter Like Elegon... 2 Draw power phases is plenty to get the cast off making it a extremely viable Glyph, There are very little fights where having 5 seconds spare isn't available and i am very much aware of that.

As for light of Dawn again i did mention above for Tank healing i would Glyph Flash of Light, Though in 10 Mans the glyph is very effective, but being useless in 25.

Lights Hammer vs Holy Prism - Yes in most cases where majority of the raid will be grouped up, By far Lights hammer is better, but again (Sorry for using this example again) Garalon.... Where Melee are moving constantly from leg to leg, hitting Holy Prism on those legs to heal all around it is extremely effective, and it having such a short cooldown compared to Lights hammer.

Last but not least, The Speed increase again Depends on the encounter, Though the thought of Having a total of 30% Speed increase seems nice, There is not many occasions i would just be sat on a minimum of 3 holy power... Having a minimum of 15% yeh is half decent but Having a 45% speed increase for 3 seconds every 5 seconds is more viable on a lot of encounters, Feng being the key one for placing Fire out of raid and Getting out of raid with Arcane Resonance at my own disposal.

Fights Like Garalon and especially the last 20% of Blade Lord Pursuit of Justice trumps all, As long as i stack 5 Holy power before transition, having that constant speed increase is more beneficial.

Hope i don't come across as arrogant just voicing my opinion Razz I do constantly change for Encounters and have a superb knowledge in which Talents/Glyphs are most viable for each encounter




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Holy Paladin [Accepted] Empty Re: Holy Paladin [Accepted]

Post by Aerisya Sat Feb 16, 2013 4:24 pm

Being arrogant? No Smile Thats why applications are here, to discuss aswell about your playstyle. Well you convince me with your previous post, and gave really nice explanation. I like that, and thanks Smile

We will get back to you soonish.


Posts : 83
Join date : 2013-01-10
Age : 34
Location : Osijek

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