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Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted]

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Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted] Empty Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted]

Post by Etrigan Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:35 am


Race and Class:

Troll, Warlock

Armory Link:


Be aware, this is a new account - for previous tier achievements, please check this character on the original one (which is still active & ready with MoP)


Spec that you're applying as:

Affliction (I will be playing what sims best/performs best at any given time. During progression especially, most likely different specs on an encounter to encounter basis).

Do you have an off spec? How good is your off spec gear?

My current off spec is Destruction, however when I'm raiding I will most likely be going with an Affliction/Destruction setup.

Are you happy to respec and play to other specs if needed?:


What glyphs do you use and why?

As Affliction, I'm currently using;

[Glyph of Healthstone]

[Glyph of Siphon Life]

[Glyph of Unstable Affliction]

Just standard, default Glyphs. There aren't too many other/mandatory options. Once again, there will probably be some variations depending on the encounter.

Same thing goes for my talent choices.

What professions do you have? Why did you pick those professions?

- Tailoring (600) - For Lightweave, active procs are generally better than passive buffs for Affliction, because of the way DoTs work.

- Enchanting (600) - Replacing with Engineering (600), if most fights do end up favoring Affliction.

- Cooking (0) - I have the funds necessary to buy infinite 300 stat food, but I will be leveling cooking eventually.

Do you have any alts you can bring in guild aswell? Armory Link (If your alt is 90 lvl).

I've already mentioned one of my alts (Orc, Warrior), which is on my original account. I have no problem with using him, but as far as alt raids go, I'm sure you understand I'd rather join them on my main... You've no doubt noticed my current gear... For now anyway.

Otherwise, I have another Warrior (Troll) at 90 as well, and most likely I will be using him as my main raiding alt, when I do get to the point where my main does not require as much attention.

Personal Information

Your Name: My original name was Shenron, so I prefer guildies call me that. Otherwise, Shen or Etrigan works.

Age & Gender: 20, Male

Where are you located?: Switzerland

Why do you wish to join Dissolution?:

I've been actively looking for a guild to join for a while now. You guys seem about perfect progress wise, schedule wise and motivation wise as well.

Also the guild website is very well done!

I can adapt to any direction the guild wishes to take in the future. i.e, more hardcore/more casual

Describe your internet connection and computer (inc net speed & download limit):

Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted] 2567635201

The PC itself is pretty high end, it was the best possible setup around 6 months ago, and I haven't upgraded it since. Needless to say it can still handle WoW just fine.

Are you able to take criticism without causing a fuss?

I don't mind criticism. If someone genuinely wants to help me, I'm happy.

Have you ever taken a break from World of Warcraft and why?:

I've taken significant breaks twice;

End of Wrath - Extreme Burnout.

Start of MoP - My first ever year of university was due to start in the next week or so.

Now, they don't tell you this in high school - but, apparently you have a ridiculous amount of free time as a college student. I almost play more WoW now than I used to when I didn't have anything going on (I took a year off after high school).

How much longer do you see yourself playing WoW?

It depends on WoW x5. So far MoP has been pretty great, in comparison to Cataclysm at least.

Throne of Thunder looks amazing, I can't wait to sink my teeth into it.

Can't be certain until we know which direction Blizzard decides to take the game, in the coming years.

Raiding Information

Previous Guilds/Current Guild: (Include reason for leaving/desire to leave)

I will only be listing relevant and HM guilds here. I'm sure you don't care what guild I joined for perks that one time, or was a social in.

I started playing in TBC, just before Black Temple was released.

This was my first MMO, so I didn't really know what I was doing.

The first time I capped was in Wrath of the Lich King. I don't know if that qualifies me as a Wrath baby, but if it does... just... OK????

Wrath of the Lich King

Naxx (25)

< Might and Magic > @Bronzebeard,

My first ever raiding guild, respects must be paid. Nothing special here, they were terrible, I was even worse - moving on.

Naxx (25)

< Affinity > @Bronzebeard,

This was my first venture into a semi organized guild. The raids almost never got called, just slow, but steady progress. I liked it.

The leadership of the guild changed hands, so I left. I don't believe I had a specific disagreement with the new GM or anything, just wasn't the same anymore, in a bad way.

< Scholars of Light > @Bronzebeard,


And we come to the good part. My first progression guild. I was still a terrible player, and had absolutely no business being there, but I was. I should probably rephrase that actually, I wasn't terrible, still definitely above average, I just wasn't very experienced with the idea of progression raiding.

Being in that guild sharpened my skills tremendously, and I've learned more there than I would for the rest of my career in WoW.

Note: I just want to point out that I haven't looked at that guild's progress page in years, and oh my god they finished ICCHC W# 666. How awesome is that? And I'm a demon commanding Warlock now! This is very creepy.


For the first few minor patches of Cataclysm, completely burned out on raiding I made a Warrior in hopes of joining a decent RBG team as an FC. However, my team only managed to make it to 2000 rating before everyone got bored with the idea, so I abandoned the plan.

< Patience > (Now Cupcake Club) @Outland,

This was my home until the last days of Cataclysm, and the first few weeks of MoP.

We cleared the content rather slowly considering the goals that were set for DS, but the guild was struggling at the time with the GM due to leave any minute for a year long trip, and to be fair, it was a newly formed guild (in Cataclysm) anyway.

In MoP I only stayed with the guild for the first one, or two weeks of MSV. I "quit" the game
due to my studies, which ended up not requiring nearly as much of my time as I thought (explained above).

When I returned, the guild was disbanded.

Right now, my schedule is set in stone, at least until the end of the year. So, I've been back to the game since, I want to say mid February.

Note: I know this will probably seem strange, but I'm sure my most recent Raid Leader "Straws" Rogue, @Outland (Alliance) wouldn't mind giving you some praise/dirt on me if you asked.

Hey!? I'm trying to get every advantage I can here! So If that's something you might be interested in doing, there you go.

What was your guild rank? (gm, officer, member etc)

I've previously been a recruitment officer in < Affinity >, by that I mean I spammed trade, kept up with the recruitment forums and sorted through applicants.

Other than that and occasional raid leading, I've not been in a position of AUTHORITEH in an active/raiding guild.

What pre TBC, BC, WOTLK, Cata, MOP raiding experience do you have?

Everything below is during relevancy, please refer to my Warrior for dates of achievements etc.

Classic: --

TBC: --

Wrath: Naxx ( LOLOL ), Ulduar ( 13/14, X Algalon ), ToC ( 5/5 ), ToGC ( 4/5), ICC HC ( 11/12 )

Cataclysm: Firelands HC ( 7/7 ), Dragon Soul HC ( 8/8 )

MoP: MSV Normal...

Can you move out of fire/void zones on the ground in less than .001 sec?

The last time I can remember I genuinely had a problem with a mechanic was back in the ICC HC days.

I believe the problem was Sindragosa hardmode, where my guild would use a strategy of lining up the raiders tagged with Ice Tomb in a perfect line. For what reason we would need to do that, and why did we need to be in order I have absolutely no idea, i don't remember the fight that well anymore.

Anyway, during progression, I sometimes goofed up the order in which we needed to stand. I will be first to admit that I was a bad player back then, but as it is right now, I haven't had a major issue with a mechanic in years.

Generally, if we give the fight one or two tries, I will be comfortable enough with it that I won't be making mistakes, and I am capable of learning from others failures.

Can you make all our raid nights?

Expect 100% attendance.

During raid, is it likely that you may need to go afk for dinner or similar at all? Are you an adult in control of your own playtime or is it dictated for you?

I'm in complete control of my own playtime. If I ever need to leave in the middle of the raid to eat, it's probably because I'm about to die of starvation.

Link to a screenshot of your Raid UI (In combat if possible):

Affliction UI


Destro UI


Demo UI

The exact same thing, replace Backdraft with Molten Core

Keybinds + Hidden Bars Visible


Describe your key bindings:

I would say my keybinds are pretty flawless, give or take a few of course.

Before the character was even created I made a spreadsheet with what I thought would be an optimal binding setup, it's working out pretty well, but if you have any suggestions let me know. I'm not sure what else to add here.

Describe your rotation:

I will go through Affliction for you.

The Huge Opener (+Curse of Elements)

Step 0: Pre-pot

Step 1: Precast Haunt (Don't worry I've learned my lesson with KJC)

Step 2: Blow cooldowns.

Step 3: Soul Burn & SoulSwap the dots onto the target.

Step 4: Malefic grasp until I have my horrible trinkets, Lightweave, Jade Spirit etc. procced. Ideally, here is where I also gain Lust.

Step 5: Soul Burn & SoulSwap.

Step 6: Keep Haunt up on the target for as long as possible.

Step 7: Just before my super buffs are about to expire, Soul Burn & SoulSwap.


The spec is very micromanagy... I'm sure you know this, but keep in mind that Dot's do not update dynamically with your stats.

Here's an overview;

DoTs: Keep DoTs up 100% of the time, this obviously means doing all in my power so that Agony stays on the target as well, as allowing it to re-ramp would be a huge dps loss.

Taking Advantage of Buffs: Refresh dot's when I gain certain proccs (Lightweave/Trinket etc.), assuming they are within their refresh window, which is half the duration of the dot, thanks to Pandemic (this is ignored if I have a lot of buffs at once, and one or two are about to fall off)

Haunt: Haunts are used when you have 4 shards to prevent them being wasted, unless Darksoul is active/or in bursty situations. (I guess you'd save Darksoul anyway if you knew something needed to be bursted AKA Spine of Deathwing/Elgelon Sparks)

Filler: Malefic Grasp/Drain Soul

Other: I suppose FelFlame is worth mentioning, I generally use it only when I know I have some proccs up, but for instance Dark Soul is about to come off Cooldown, so I'll generally refresh the dots with Fel Flame as it won't be worth recasting them for such a short period of time, if I'm about to Burn & Swap.

What addons do you use?

Aside from casual OOC stuff (such as OPie I use for buffs, soulwells, mounts, pet heals etc.) and personal class/obvious addons you can see in my UI, I use:

- AffDots

- ReforgeLite

- Skada over Recount.

Are you willing to download/use all the necessary addons that are requied to raid with us?

Are you comfortable with the fact that you may not always have a raid spot?

Entirely comfortable.

Are you comfortable with the fact that you may have to go on alt during progression/farm raids?

Right now - No.

Once I do get on my feet with the Warlock, which probably won't take more than a week or two (I'm doing everything in my power to upgrade my gear, including OpenRaid, buying BoE's, and relevant BiS items from the BMAH), I will be happy to come on my Warrior as DD or Prot to help out with progression. Expect his item level to be maintained throughout the expansion, once the Warlock is geared as well.

Do you have the habit of reading up on all new encounters? Do you stay up to date with class changes?

I always take a few steps before a night of hard progress;

- I watch/read and more or less suck in information about the general mechanics of the encounter and the common strategy.

- I watch one or two [InsertClassHere] PoV videos to make sure I know exactly what to expect as a Warlock, or generally as a Ranged DD. Plus it doesn't hurt to get some class specific tricks out of the video either.

- Make sure I'm properly prepared consumables wise, it's never fun to have to leave the raid because you're short on something. Though I generally buy in bulk anyway, for 10-20 raids at a time.

- I try to always have some enchants ready in my bags so I can start using an item directly for the next encounter. Especially if there's no reforging required. I suppose because I'm an Enchanter now, I will just have to keep some mats in my bags as well, but I'm planning to drop it for Engineering very soon, especially if I end up staying Affliction for most of the fights this tier.

Other Information

Are you ok with golds? Can you afford repair + flask + pots?

Yes, that won't be an issue.

Do you have Mumble installed and a working microphone?

And I do have a quality microphone, which I have no issues using & I do have Mumble installed.

Can you speak and understand English to a good level?

I go to an English speaking university, so I should be fine.

Average Latency and FPS during raiding?

Below 20 MS.
Way above 60 FPS.

How did you get information about Dissolution?

Just Wowprogress, and the website/forums.

What sets you apart from other members of your class? (Describe yourself as a player).

Class Knowledge: Although I haven't been a Warlock for very long, I've done an extreme amount of research on the class. Even before I was playing one (I was a Warrior through Cataclysm, and a Paladin through Wrath and TBC - although that's irrelevant... I was an awful Paladin, and that was pretty difficult to manage during WotLK), It was always one of my favorite classes.

I do not do my own simcraft, except when there's no other choice (such as: finding out if it will be beneficial to ditch a tier bonus for a higher quality/better itemized item and so on). I have only a basic understanding of the program, and generally try to avoid it.

The Specs I'm extremely comfortable with are - Affliction & Destruction. People haven't really tasted ToT HC yet, so this might change, but it looks like I will have to get real comfortable with Demonology soon. I know the idea behind it, and I can play it effectively don't get me wrong, but I simply haven't played it enough for it to be on autopilot.

Currently my most trusted sources for Warlock information are: Evrelia @Apex (W#7), the Warlock thread on EJ (but I tend to take in everything there with a grain of salt, especially if posted by unknown people), and of course if accepted WoL, as I will have some relevant logs to look through, and see what the other top Warlocks are doing in comparison.

What would you bring to Dissolution as a guild?

Socially: I don't have problems with people, and I very much enjoy spending time outside of raids with guildies.

In fact, I've recently became interested in Challenge Modes for some reason (It's totally the Warlock set), so if some of the guildies are interested give me a shout! My gear won't be a problem there after all, and I miss that feeling Razz

Aside from that, I'm up for some casual PVP, Transmog runs, and other shenanigans.

What would you expect from Dissolution as a guild?

Generally, as long as the raids aren't getting called due to members not showing up, I will be happy.

Steady progress couldn't hurt either.

Have you read, and do you agree to, the guild policy?

Yes. I have no problems with it.

Anything in particular you feel you should add to your application?

- Gear Wise: I am fully aware that my gear is not nearly on par with your standards, however I'm of the belief that long term, it's better to acquire a genuinely skilled, dedicated and motivated player, over somebody simply in pretty epics. Besides, I will gear up extremely fast in the coming weeks. I am constantly looking for BoE's to pick up and BMAH items as well. And as I've mentioned above, OpenRaid became an option recently as well. When I do catch up with the gear, expect to see me near top of meters on most encounters.

During progression on bosses, I mainly prioritize executing the strategy correctly, however after a couple of tries it usually becomes automatic and I can turn it up in terms of numbers.

- Here's a 3 minute WoL report on a Dummy.


I'ts not an indication of my DPS in any way, and I'm certainly not saying it will give you an idea of my skill as a raider. This is simply so that you can see I know what I'm doing when it comes to using my spells properly.

Unfortunately right now, my only other options are hopping into LFR and making a log of that. I will be happy to do that for you upon requiest.

- I play every day, usually around 6 hours at least, more during weekends. I'm always home before 19:00, so expect perfect attendance, probably including your alt raids. #Nolife

Lastly, I would really ask you once again to try and look past my gear disadvantage, and understand that I will do anything in my power to close the gap, especially outside of the guild.

Be it PUGGing, BoE's or world bosses, I'm doing it. And once I do catch up, you won't be regretting your decision, and most likely be pleasantly surprised.

If you have any questions or concerns AT ALL, please contact me in-game Shenron#2161 and we can either have a chat there, or Skype/Vent.

Just in case, original account Battle Tag: Shenron#2418

Thanks for your time.

Naturally I'll be refreshing this page non-stop.

Take Care!


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Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted] Empty Re: Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted]

Post by Aerisya Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:31 pm

Hey Shenron! I must say I enjoyed reading you application very much. Really great work here, and made me laugh so many times, so I guess it's good Smile

But as a person who plays only healers in WoW, I'll leave others to see if they have any questions for you.

I believe we will be back to you very soon Smile

GL with apply.

Posts : 83
Join date : 2013-01-10
Age : 34
Location : Osijek

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Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted] Empty Re: Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted]

Post by Aa Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:31 pm

Hay, nice app to read, Iam from BronzeBeared originally. Small world eh?

Anyway nice app and GL


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Join date : 2013-02-17
Age : 31
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Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted] Empty Re: Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted]

Post by Eslei Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:28 pm

I see nothing wrong with this app, other than it took forever! Which is also a bonus due to the information inside.

Evrelia is a great starting point for warlocks, clear concise information and lots of little tips on many bosses.

Obviously the gear is a huge problem but with coins easy to get, xrealm raids, lfrs etc you'll gear quick.

Looking at the logs, considering it's a dummy test your dot uptimes should be much higher, however i'll look over that for now due to new to the class.

Will have another read soon.

The officers will discuss between us and we'll force our resident lock to have a look.

Thanks for the apply!


Posts : 45
Join date : 2013-01-09


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Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted] Empty Re: Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted]

Post by Shenron Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:50 pm

Hey Shenron! I must say I enjoyed reading you application very much. Really great work here, and made me laugh so many times, so I guess it's good

That's awesome, thank you! Glad you liked it.

Hay, nice app to read, Iam from BronzeBeared originally. Small world eh?

Yeah, for sure. It was my first realm, but I have to admit it was quite terrible in terms of any sort of endgame!

and we'll force our resident lock to have a look.

Hah, nice.

Looking at the logs, considering it's a dummy test your dot uptimes should be much higher, however i'll look over that for now due to new to the class.

So, this is sort of shocking to me... I am sure I kept the DoT's up 100% of the time there.

Looking through it, I can assure you it is completely impossible that I have an 81.6% up time of DoTs (especially Agony!!!) on a dummy... In fact I'm pretty positive it was 100%... Where I wen't wrong I couldn't tell you.

It could have something to do with me cutting off the log a little too late? But that should have only cost me 2-3% worth of uptime. So I doubt it. I wouldn't post the log If I saw any of my DoTs fall off, believe me.

So sorry about that goof up, but I genuinely don't know what I've done wrong to have these numbers so skewed.

If it's somehow true that I didn't manage to keep a 100% DoT uptime during a 3 minute DPS test... Well, I should probably uninstall the game!

Sorry, it's really embarrassing, I should have probably checked the log to make sure everything was uploaded correctly.

I'm going to go over it once again and edit below If I find anything. If I can't figure out the problem, I will re-do the log.

Alliteratively, we could meet up in-game and I can perform my rotation live and in person. Of course, you'd have to purchase a ticket...


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Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted] Empty Re: Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted]

Post by Shenron Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:36 pm

So, I wasn't able to find the problem. But I decided to record a quick video instead of re-logging, as it's probably going to get screwed up again somehow.

I hope you can get an idea from this -


(It was dead silence so I decided to add a track)


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Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted] Empty Re: Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted]

Post by Éxxadin Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:05 am

Fellow BronzeBeard as well, You seem to have made the same moves as me and Aa, BB>Outland>Kazzak... as for this....

Hay, nice app to read, Iam from BronzeBeared originally. Small world eh?

Yeah, for sure. It was my first realm, but I have to admit it was quite terrible in terms of any sort of endgame!

Yeh try being Horde on that server like us Wink


Posts : 19
Join date : 2013-02-19

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Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted] Empty Re: Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted]

Post by Aerisya Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:52 am

I guess you are really trying. Just explaining why that happen was enough Smile Thanks for your effort tho.


Cooking master (no need to have cooking skills when they made a woman to have it ingame aswell Very Happy )

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Join date : 2013-01-10
Age : 34
Location : Osijek

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Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted] Empty Re: Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted]

Post by Shenron Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:35 am

Hah,well, I'm definitely trying yeah Razz I was going to offer you guys some money, but making a YouTube video is cheaper...


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Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted] Empty Re: Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted]

Post by Aerisya Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:02 pm


Posts : 83
Join date : 2013-01-10
Age : 34
Location : Osijek

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Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted] Empty Re: Warlock - Ranged DD - Etrigan [Accepted]

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